How To Teach Self-Calming Strategies for Students

You know firsthand how chaotic a classroom can get and how crucial self-calming strategies for students can be. Noise levels can quickly elevate with kids running around, grabbing school supplies and generally creating a disruptive experience. There are some days when you just need to walk outside for a few ...

Resources for Robotics and AI Lesson Plans in the Classroom

Robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are part of our daily lives. AI tools help us choose songs on apps like Spotify and Pandora. Robots make it easy to order items online and complete tasks that humans can’t handle. As a teacher looking to introduce students to real-world concepts, it makes ...

How Teachers Can Work Thoughtfully With Paraeducators

They say it takes a village to raise a child, which means it takes a small city to support students throughout the school year. School is where most kids spend the majority of their waking hours. It is where they learn to socialize with their peers and engage with authority ...

How Can Administrators Support the Mental Health of Teachers?

In many ways, the classroom has returned to where it was before the pandemic. Fewer teachers are logging into Zoom each day and more students are attending school without masks. However, the pandemic has left its scars — both on students and teachers. While many educators try to put on ...

Preparing to Find and Start a Teaching Job in a Different State

Change is a part of professional development. Whether you are moving to a new school down the road or traveling across the country, there will be an adjustment period that you have to work through. Some teachers arrive in different states and experience culture shock when they look at the ...

How To Bring Movies into the Classroom

Movies tend to have a bad reputation in the classroom. Educators joke that they play a movie when they have a headache, while many substitute teachers assume their job is to show movies throughout the day. However, movies can be useful tools for your classroom. You can use them to introduce ...

Is There a Place for Internet Slang and Emojis in the Classroom?

Any teacher who walks through the halls of their school will encounter new words and phrases that students pick up online. Maybe the drama teacher was being “so extra” by scheduling too many rehearsals. Maybe a funny online video has kids screaming “this is sending me!”  But what happens when hallway ...

20 Time-Saving Hacks for Teachers in Any Classroom

There are two things that every teacher needs more of: time and money. While there’s no silver bullet solution to get a pay raise or win an education grant, there are a few tricks you can use to take back your time. These hacks can help with everything from lesson ...

How To Set Up A Valuable Student Teacher Program for Your Classroom

Every year, a fresh batch of teachers enter the classroom for the first time. They come from a variety of education programs and backgrounds. While you can’t guarantee that every teacher will discover a passion for education, you can take steps to help future teachers to do so during their ...