Honest History: Teaching Racism Truthfully

America’s history is interwoven with prejudice, racism and unwarranted hatred. Yet some textbooks and school districts skip over these painful memories, shutting out important stories of different people and their struggles. Such omissions are unacceptable.  Telling students the truth about how people have treated each other in the past is essential ...

Teaching Robotics: Engaging, Hands-On Lesson Plan Ideas

Just a few decades ago, the idea of using robotics in everyday life seemed like science fiction — unrealistic and unachievable. Fast forward to today, and robots are already playing an important role in helping us learn about the world, work more efficiently and improve our quality of life.  Whether it’s ...

How to Create Teacher Support Systems That Benefit Everyone

Teachers all strive toward the same goal: to help their students succeed. But teaching is hard work, and educators need to support each other in order to create a collaborative, uplifting community. Whether it’s through emotional support or stepping in with a lesson plan idea, there are many ways you ...

Lesson Warm-Up: Tips for Getting Students Ready to Learn

No one rolls out of bed and starts running a marathon without warming up. Why? Because your muscles wouldn’t be warm enough for you to safely perform your best. Similarly, failing to start a lesson with a warm-up doesn’t allow students time to exercise their brains and start thinking about ...

Short Stories Elementary Students will Love

Reading is a crucial element to the education of elementary students. However, students who don’t find the activity enjoyable are less likely to stick with it as they age. That’s where really great short stories come in.  Short stories are an effective way to engage students in reading while teaching them ...

How To Use Emojis for More Meaningful, Mindful Classroom Discussions

Emojis, which originated in Japan, have become an omnipresent aspect of digital communication across the globe. As more students rely on technology as a primary form of learning and communicating, it only makes sense to incorporate these small digital images into the classroom.  While some educators see emojis as distracting or ...

Writing Lesson Plans: How To Keep Students Engaged in Composition

Writing is a crucial skill. Being able to write clearly and concisely isn’t just important for success at school. In order to succeed professionally in today’s digital world, students must learn how to communicate effectively through the written word. If you teach writing, you know how important it is that ...

Genius Hour Ideas to Promote Creativity, Inspiration and Self-Directed Learning

Have you ever wondered what makes Google such an innovative company? Much of their creativity and inspiration can be attributed to a practice called “genius hour.” In this practice, 20 percent of an employee’s time is dedicated towards something they find interesting and exciting (other than their current work project). ...

Learning Intentions: A Guide to Building More Measurable Lesson Plans

Building effective lesson plans is an essential aspect of being a teacher. Yet with so many standards and criteria to meet, it can be hard to create lesson plans that satisfy state requirements and also keep students involved in what they’re learning and why. Using learning intentions and success criteria ...