Use this guide to introduce renewable energy lesson plans and resources to your students and pique their curiosity on forms of energy.
Why Teachers Should Continue Virtual Field Trips Even After the Pandemic
Virtual field trips can improve your lesson plans and connect students to the material you need to cover. Here’s how to build VFTs into your lesson plans.
Middle Schoolers and Sci-Fi: Teaching Science Through Science Fiction
One way to bring creativity to your science classroom is with the introduction of science fiction. Here’s how you can engage your students with sci-fi.
Post-Pandemic Snapshot: Which EdTech Tools Are Teachers Still Using?
It’s time to explore the use of technology in the 2023 classroom. What edtech tools stuck around after schools reopened? And why?
How to Add Physical Activity to Your Lesson Plans (and Why You Should)
It’s time to get your students moving. Here is the why and how behind movement in the classroom, along with actionable ways to update your lesson plans.
Essential Experiments for an Exciting Chemistry Classroom
You can make chemistry engaging at almost any level and in any part of the learning experience. Here are some exciting chemistry lesson plan ideas students love.