All Posts By Planbook Team

The Case For and Against Later School Start Times for Teens

There are few things teenagers love more than sleeping in. While elementary-age kids bounce around the house looking for adventure on weekends, teens and tweens do their best to sleep past noon. Despite this love of sleep, many teens have the earliest start times out of all K-12 students. It’s ...

Know Your Teaching Team: The Role of Career Counselors

If you ask a room of kindergarteners what they want to be when they grow up, you will hear everything from a space cowboy to a unicorn. If you ask the same question to a group of high schoolers, you might get more realistic answers, but that doesn’t mean the ...

The Four-Day School Week: Pros and Cons

There’s a growing trend across the United States where students and teachers have a four-day school week instead of the traditional five-day week. In some cases, students use Monday for a period of independent learning while teachers use the day for grading and planning. In other cases, students enjoy Fridays ...