Lack of funding can make it difficult for teachers to pursue the learning projects and opportunities they’d like to provide their students. Fortunately, there are a number of national foundations, trusts and corporations that can help fund classroom projects and promote teacher innovation across the country.
Whether it’s pursuing a new literacy project or expanding technology access in the classroom, here are 13 grants and funding sources you can apply for.
The NEA Foundation Student Achievement Grants
The NEA Foundation offers a wide range of resources and grants for educators. The Student Achievement Grants come in amounts of $2,000 and $5,000 and are designed to expand access to classroom resources like tech tools and textbooks.
NEA members who teach at public schools are welcome to apply for grants at three deadlines throughout the year. The NEA is also a helpful resource for free and user-friendly information on finding and applying for education grants.
Educators of America Microgrant Program
Lack of access to educational technology is a major barrier to equal learning opportunities today. Educators of America aims to close this gap through their Educators of America program. These grants supply educators with the funds they need to purchase essential classroom technology — but that’s not all. This program also comes with educational opportunities for those awarded, ensuring that teachers know how to best use and teach the tools they’re granted.
The Braitmayer Foundation
Aimed at enhancing access to quality pre-college education, The Braitmayer Foundation provides a number of grants for educators. While some of their grants place an emphasis on encouraging teachers of diverse backgrounds to stay in education fields, their funding can also be put towards projects that facilitate student learning. This foundation is based in Massachusetts but supports organizations and educators across the United States.
Fund for Teachers
This nationwide program administers its grants and opportunities through local education foundations. Non-profit organizations like the Chicago Foundation for Education, the Tulsa Community Foundation and Math for America, New York are responsible for marketing the program, managing applications and supporting educators in applying for and receiving grants.
Visit the Fund for Teachers website to find a local partner that can help you prepare everything you need to apply for next year’s grant.
Toshiba America Foundation
Science and math educators can apply for a variety of grants through the Toshiba America Foundation, whose grants are “dedicated to helping classroom teachers make STEM learning fun and successful for students in U.S. schools.” Individual teachers and educator teams are eligible for these grants, which help provide access to the technology, tools and instruction students need to excel in STEM fields.
Nike School Innovation Fund
Educators and school leaders in Oregon can apply for this grant from Nike, which provides “teacher training, curriculum materials and leadership development in middle and high schools.” The Nike School Innovation Fund is aimed at creating student-centered programs that advance innovation and opportunity for students in Oregon schools.
Teaching Tolerance Educator Grants
Educators at public and private schools across the United States are eligible for the Teaching Tolerance Educator Grants. Ranging from $500 to $10,000, these grants “support projects that promote affirming school climates and educate youth to thrive in a diverse democracy.” Projects can focus on embedding justice and anti-bias teaching within the curriculum or focus on district and community-wide initiatives against bias.
Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi Grants
Mississippi educators can apply for grants from the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi. Over $20 million has been awarded since 2002, helping bring a variety of beneficial programs in technology, healthy living and literacy to area schools. If you’re based in the specified area and hoping for some additional funding to pursue an important project, don’t hesitate to apply.
Regie Routman Teacher Recognition Grant
Teachers committed to facilitating meaningful writing and reading projects can apply for the $2,500 Regie Routman Teacher Recognition Grant, sponsored by The International Literacy Association. Educators must teach grades K-8 and have a specific proposal regarding how they’d use the grant to “support, improve, enhance, and accelerate teaching and learning for students.” You’ll also need to create a budget regarding how the money will be allocated in order to be considered.
McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation Grants
Do you work alongside a team of teachers? The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation is unique because it offers grants to small groups of educators in addition to individuals. This makes it great for co-teaching teams who’d like to pursue an innovative project for their students. If you or your team have a well-articulated idea for improving classroom instruction and expanding proficiency and lifelong learning, apply for an academic enrichment or teacher development grant.
Verizon Virtual Reality in the Classroom Grant
Are you a K-12 technology educator who’d like to explore the learning opportunities available with virtual reality? Then the Verizon Virtual Reality in the Classroom Grant is perfect for you. Winning classrooms will receive a grant of $1,000 for VR equipment that can be put towards a specific educational plan that’s fun, interactive, feasible, measurable and age-appropriate. The deadline for application is May 21, 2019, and two grants will be awarded.
Youth Service America
Youth Service America connects educators and teacher leaders with a number of grants. YSA’s funding opportunities are mainly aimed at changing the world for the better by putting children and teens in the driver’s seat. They’re most known for funding educational projects that promote peace and equality, environmental sustainability, healthy food access and positive change through the arts.
Cobb Schools Foundation IMPACT grants
The Cobb Schools Foundation has been supporting students and teachers with thousands of dollars in grant money since 1999. As the second largest school system in Georgia, Cobb Schools can impact more than 100,000 students each year. Their IMPACT grants combine support from local organizations and businesses like the Atlanta Braves, Gas South and Greystone Power, and enable funding for new and innovative programs, from STEAM to outdoor gardening projects.
Images by: Artem Bali, Pragyan Bezbaruah, Pixabay
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