From spitballs and student romance to analogies and algebra, teachers have a lot on their plates.
But amid the inevitable challenges of teaching, there’s a vast community of teacher bloggers who are willing to help. These educators share the trials and tribulations of teaching in a funny, relatable light to keep you going when times get tough.
A little humor and insight can go a long way, so here’s a list of 17 teacher blogs to remind you why your profession rocks.
Miss Cassidy’s Classroom Blog
How fast can a 6 year old put on all of his winter clothes? You’ll find out on this Saskatchewan-based classroom blog, which is filled with chronicles of fun activities like a day of ice skating and making homemade butter.
Kathy Cassidy also shares entertaining thoughts and ideas from the little ones in the classroom, and praises the benefits of her classroom blog often. “The eyes of the students still shine as we read a comment written just to them by someone who is special in their lives or by someone they have never met … and the students are still captivated by the idea that they have a voice in this big word we call the Internet,” Cassidy says.
Stack of Making
Stack of Making is a hilarious blog that details the musings of Tom Starkey. Starkey focuses more on the social side of teaching, like student behavior and working with colleagues.
In an excerpt on student relationships, Starkey writes: “So, every now and again, the jungle drums beat out the news that Tall-Lad-with-Greasy-Hair has started going out with Smiley-Girl-Who-Puts-Stars-Instead-of-Dots-on-Her-‘I’s and every now and again some other fool kid makes the mistake of thinking that I’m remotely interested in this seemingly history-changing development.”
the édu flâneuse
This blog by Dr. Deborah M. Netolicky in Australia covers teaching and education (among other things) in a refreshing, thought-provoking style. For example, Dr. Netolicky created a BINGO card for how to engage in educational debates on Twitter. The card includes hilariously spot-on social media debate tactics such as “Shakespearean insult” and “GIF to lighten the mood.”
She says of the board, “It’s an attempt to see the lighter side of what can sometimes get heated as passionate educators fight for ideological corners.”
The Daring Librarian
The Daring Librarian, a.k.a. Gwyneth Jones, is a decorated edtech speaker with the ability to perfectly blend teaching and technology. All of her articles are creative and lighthearted, like her detailed lesson plan on teaching technology with Pokemon Go.
This excerpt from Jones’ blog shows her witty, matter-of-fact approach: “Staff Rooms are hotbeds of malcontent, vitriolic venting, kid & parent complaining, and people who can’t wait to squash your bright eyed optimistic attitude. Why not create your own positive lunch bunch & eat in the library or classroom?”
Blair Turner
Blair Turner’s brutally honest blog is just what the doctor ordered. On the days when it seems nothing is going right, Turner’s stories about mismatched shoes and spilled tea are perfectly relatable.
Take this uplifting message for just a taste of Turner’s writing: “Some days, the final bell was like a victory gong telling me I NAILED IT and should immediately do take a celebratory lap around the classroom, high-fiving members of my invisible cheering squad. Some days, the bell signaled it was time to sit under my desk and shove candy into my face. Not every lesson is a winner.”
Love, Teach
The Love, Teach blog focuses on all the benefits and challenges of teaching, with a particular emphasis on personal growth. While having a bad day and seeing a student running in the classroom, for example, Love, Teach writes: “My immediate reaction, as it had been lately, was to be grumpy—to stop the student angrily and say something shame-y about rules and his age and how he should obviously know better. But instead I challenged myself. I dare you to deal with this running fool with as much positivity as humanly possible.”
We Are Teachers
The We Are Teachers blog is a joint effort by a community of teachers who share ideas, tips, giveaways and of course humor. Head to the Teacher Life category for hundreds of posts that only teachers will understand.
In one roundup of student quotes, Stacy Torino shares a couple of gems:
- “I don’t know my ancestors because I’m only 8, but when you were alive during the Pilgrim time did YOU know my ancestors?”
- “I used to write my name in cursive. Now I just write it in English.”
Kids really do say the darndest things.
Art Teachers Hate Glitter
For a solid dose of art teacher sarcasm, check out the blog Art Teachers Hate Glitter. This site is intended to shed light on all the untold truths about teaching art — a profession that tends to be glamorized.
One post worth saving for the summertime is the author’s satirical guide, How to Survive Back to School Development. “Sit in the back,” the post reads. “Just like in high school English class, the back is the best place to sit if you want to get other work done.”
Teach Junkie
On the Teach Junkie blog, Leslie provides creative, hands-on lessons and insightful articles that all teachers can learn from. For example, a guest article from physical education expert Kym Ballard discusses the link between recess and focus. Ballard writes, “For young children especially, the brain hasn’t quite developed to the point where it can retain long stretches of learning and information, and so taking breaks can help get them back on track.”
Suburban Princess Teacher
This blog masterfully blends challenging topics like education policy and current events while managing to stay light-hearted. Suburban Princess Teacher’s posts sometimes get firey while still remaining entertaining, like one recent post about a Nova Scotia Teachers Union debate:
“Our new contract is basically a dog’s breakfast made up of our old, rejected, contract. It’s like we are being told that it’s new and improved, when really it’s last night chicken and it’s just as rubbery and tasteless as it was the first day it was served and sent back.”
The Pensive Sloth
The Pensive Sloth is a teaching-themed blog penned by an upper elementary teacher named Mrs. B. Her posts cover topics far and wide — everything from standardized tests to teacher New Year’s resolutions. If you need some fresh lesson ideas and you’re looking to make a topic more fun and exciting, Mrs. B’s blog has you covered.
It’s Not All Flowers and Sausages
Mrs. Mimi is a Harlem-based teacher and a self-proclaimed education nerd. It’s Not All Flowers and Sausages began as a creative outlet for Mrs. Mimi’s funny stories and frustrations from the classroom. In a particularly hilarious post on substitute teachers, Mrs. Mimi describes her favorite substitute teacher pet names. These include:
- “Pajama Pants (Self explanatory and simultaneously sad)”
- “Beardy McBeardface (There are not enough men in elementary education. Also, there are clearly not enough razors, clippers or whatever you use to keep facial hair in check in this man’s home).”
The Teacher Next Door
The Teacher Next Door is a go-to resource for lesson plans, creative teacher tips and insights on teaching. Experienced teacher Jenn Larson believes in the power of humor to brighten a teacher’s day.
She explains: “After dealing with paperwork, the pressures of standardized testing, jammed copy machines, and more, it just feels good to step back and laugh at the funny situations we find ourselves in, locked in a classroom for hours each day, surrounded by kids (love ’em, but still…kids).”
The Classroom Key
The Classroom Key has an entire section dedicated to humorous posts. These articles by Hannah Braun include a range of funny content, most of which is inspired by students and the silly things they do. Take this real life story, for example, about what happens after Braun arranges student desks:
“It never fails, the moments kids walk in the next day, despite all my best efforts, the structured morning routine CANNOT commence until we take a few frantic moments to be elated, crushed, or just generally bewildered by the new seating arrangement. Some kids assume that if their desk isn’t where they left it the previous day, then it just must not exist anymore, at all, anywhere.”
Mark Anderson is a professional cartoonist who creates school-themed art based on his wife’s occupation as a teacher. From math problems to student-teacher interactions, each cartoon features a witty one-liner that’s sure to keep you coming back for more. Anderson and his wife live in Chicago with “their children, two cats, a dog and several dust bunnies,” he notes.
Teaching in Real Life
For a quick pick-me-up at any time during the day, turn to this teaching-themed Tumblr blog. Teaching in Real Life is run by a high school teacher who makes light of all things teaching. Expect GIFs, sarcasm and long, frightening looks into the depths of the average high school teacher’s soul. This one’s updated daily, so check back often for instant comic relief.
Teaching Feels Like
The Teaching Feels Like Tumblr blog is a mix of funny memes and real-life stories intended just for teachers. The fourth grade teacher behind this blog solicits questions on all things teaching, so you’ll also find a bit of honest, down-to-earth advice here.
“The best teachers are far from dull — never let go of your sense of humor, you WILL need it to survive the education profession!” the author says.
images by: coyot, giovannacco, ludi
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